Discovering How Cover Crops Impact Cropland Habitat for Pests: Voles, Slugs, and Other Pests
Pest problems like voles, slugs and army worms tend to be cyclical in nature and can have dramatic impacts when there's an outbreak. Understanding the role that cover crops and no-till can play in creating the conditions for these pest to thrive can help producers make management decisions. This webinar is first of a two-part series dealing with managing cover crops and tillage to minimize pest problems.
Managing Cover Crops and No-till to Reduce Pest Problems (part 2)
Pest problems like voles, slugs and army worms tend to be cyclical in nature and can have dramatic impacts when there's an outbreak. Understanding the role that cover crops and no-till can play in creating the conditions for these pest to thrive can help producers make management decisions. This webinar is first of a two-part series dealing with managing cover crops and tillage to minimize pest problems.
Managing Cover Crops and No-till to Reduce Pest Problems (part 2)